Il massiccio cosiddetto attacco di Hamas contro Israele la scorsa settimana dimostra che la mafia Khazariana semplicemente non lo capisce. Come il ragazzo che gridava al lupo, hanno perso la capacità di ingannare e manipolare il mondo con incidenti messi in scena.
Il sacrificio di massa a Satana la scorsa settimana di ebrei e palestinesi da parte dell'aspirante Dio re Benyamin Netanyahu è un esempio lampante. Nonostante abbia pubblicato immagini orribili e strazianti di israeliani sofferenti nella loro stampa di propaganda aziendale, nessuno è stato ingannato (tranne una piccola tasca rimasta di bevitori di aiuti freschi).
Ecco la vera storia di ciò che è accaduto dietro le quinte secondo fonti del Mossad, dell'MI6 e dell'FSB russo.
Il capo dell'MI6, che guarda caso è ebreo, ha detto: "I KM hanno sempre usato il popolo ebraico e l'ebraismo come scudo umano per i loro scopi satanici e nefasti. Sono un gruppo di brividi profondamente marci, ben noti e ben odiati. Siamo andati su basi false flag quasi immediatamente dopo averne sentito parlare. "
Fonti del Mossad concordano nel notare che la Striscia di Gaza e la Cisgiordania sono state così accuratamente monitorate dagli israeliani che nemmeno un chicco di riso può entrare lì senza che loro lo sappiano. In altre parole, il massiccio attacco a Israele da parte di Hamas doveva essere stato orchestrato da Netanyahu e dai suoi seguaci.
Circa 60 persone, tra cui Biden e suo figlio, Hillary e la sua squadra, sanno tutti che andranno in prigione se perderanno la guerra ucraina. Quindi, per salvare i loro hanno bisogno di qualche "vittoria" e l'Ucraina non è adatta a questo, mentre Cina-Taiwan è troppo rischiosa, quindi hanno scelto di distruggere i palestinesi ... Hamas fa parte del piano di trasferimento di Israele in terra d'Ucraina. Fondamentalmente, la guerra in Israele e Ucraina è una. I sionisti vogliono avere una terra più grande lontano dall'Iran e da altri paesi musulmani, quindi il territorio ucraino è stato scelto per trasferire gli ebrei lì dopo la distruzione di Israele. Negli ultimi 18 mesi, circa mezzo milione di ucraini sono morti. Nella guerra 3,5 milioni di ucraini migrarono in Europa e 2,5 milioni in Russia. Quindi, in totale, la popolazione è stata ridotta di 6,5 milioni. La popolazione di Israele è di 9,3 milioni, quindi la guerra in Ucraina finirà nel 2025 quando altri 3 milioni moriranno. Quindi la nuova Khazaria sarà costruita sul sangue versato.
This will not be allowed to happen. The UN Security Council had an emergency meeting about the attack and, even though they did not issue a statement, they agreed Israel did not have a casus belli (justification for war).
The reason the attack was staged at this time is because the KM money laundering via Ukraine has been cut off. The KM were hoping to use this Gaza show to get sympathy money to buy time until 2025 when they are planning to stage some sort of horrific atrocity, MI6 sources say.
Another reason Netanyahu rushed the attack was because Iranian intelligence scored a major coup. Iranian intelligence sources inform us “The confidential information of Netanyahu’s office is in the hands of Iranians,” As a part of their intelligence hoard they obtained a “list of personal information and pictures of Netanyahu’s opponents that he kept with him, including Ehud Barak, Benny Gantz and Ehud Olmert,” the sources said. “We have also obtained special information from the list of foreign journalists who received bribes from Netanyahu’s office; This list includes European, American and Israeli journalists, and all the special information and amounts they have received are stated in it. All personal pictures and confidential files were removed from Netanyahu’s office through an electronic memory and are now with Iran’s security institutions and will be published,” they add.
So in other words, Netanyahu needed to fake an emergency in order to anoint himself as God king of Israel before this embarrassing information leak became widely known.
The real question, of course, is why that mass murderer Netanyahu is in charge of Israel instead of in jail or hell where he belongs.
Another bit of embarrassing information is that Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons (US-funded) that they used in the attack against Israel.
Then for some reason, they are putting out a story about $6 billion that went to Iran and was then used to fund the attacks in Israel. Since the fake coup in Russia by Yevgeny Prigozhin was also a $6 billion show, it is a good bet to predict there will be one more $6 billion show in the near future to complete the Satanic 666 number the KM like so much.
Regardless, now that the big Hamas performance has ended in failure, there has been a lot of backpedaling by the Israelis. Just as this report was about to go live, for example, we were sent this video of an attack being staged like a movie.
We also got contacted by an Israeli whistleblower who told us their entire Iron Dome anti-missile defense was a fraud. Israeli scientist and award-winning security expert Dr Motty Scheffer says “Today, there is no missile which can intercept other missiles or rocket-propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course, itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are self-destruction. The Iron Dome did not launch any rocket that could intercept at least one missile fired from Gaza.”
So the Israelis are trying to say it was all fake. Unfortunately, their track record shows they do real mass murder along with the theatrics.
Next, the corporate propaganda press in the West started coming out with crocodile-tear “feel sorry for the Palestinian stories” coupled with calls for a two-state solution.
The map below of ever-shrinking Palestinian land shows you this has always been lip service meant to buy time.
The real motive for this call is to try to derail the deal Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia are reaching to fund the US military in exchange for protection. This deal involves Israel absorbing the Palestinians into the Israeli state. Doing so would cut off the big money laundry of “aid for Palestine” that the KM has been using for years.
Speaking about money laundering, Ukrainian officials are now starting to release exact bribe numbers received by US officials as kickbacks for Ukrainian aid. The list is below:
Note that former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy allegedly got $42 million. This would explain why he betrayed his fellow Republicans and allowed the Washington DC circus to finance itself for another 45 days. I guess the DC clowns were hoping the Hamas show would then fool the world into letting the whole farce continue even longer.
There is another Ukraine angle that is starting to emerge: cocaine. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin says the FSB [Federal Security Service] found five kilograms of cocaine along with ten billion rubles during an investigation into a plane crash that killed top Wagner commanders.
Recall that Wagner Chief Prigozhins’ Chabad death cult partner Vladimir Zelensky is famous for his cocaine use. Then recall that another supporter of the Ukraine genocide, Justin Castrudeau of Canada, was also found with large amounts of cocaine in his plane at a recent G20 meeting in India.
Cocaine from South America has been one of the main sources of income for the Nazis since the end of World War II. The former head of MI6 told us the KM Nazis bought 1000 miles of coastline in Patagonia where they plan to hide out after they destroy the Northern Hemisphere in an all-out nuclear war. That war is now planned for 2025, multiple sources agree.
That is why cutting off the money laundering via the Ukraine and shutting down the US Corporation before then is so important.
The Ukraine has definitely been cut off. The US Congress has ended all new funding for Ukraine.
Then the UK government followed by announcing it would no longer send either arms or money to the Zelensky regime.
Next in line came Poland with their government also cutting the criminal state of the Ukraine off from all support.
Another Ukrainian neighbor, Slovakia, joined the club by putting pro-Russia Prime Minister Robert Fico’s populist party back into power vowing to stop sending weapons to Ukraine
Finally, the Nazi EU was also forced to admit it could no longer support the crime regime that is the Ukraine.
This prompted Putin to declare that Ukraine will “only last a week,” without foreign help.
The last place to support the mass murdering criminal Zelensky is his fellow mass murderer Justin Castrudeau of Canada.
He is not expected to last long either. The man is so hated he cannot appear in public in Canada without being attacked.
He also flaunts his corruption. Look at him waving at the new speaker in the Canadian Parliament to see what a creep he is.
No wonder Putin calls Castrudeau an idiot or a scoundrel.
Even the women in his regime seem to know better. Check out the faces of his Nazi handler Christia Freeland and Zelensky’s wife Olena in the video below.
“She knows exactly what kind of corruption, slaughtering innocent people, trafficking innocent children and other monstrosities her husband is involved in… she knows it will come to an end and they will pay the ultimate price,” said one Mossad source.
By the way, according to Polish intelligence, Olena recently spent $1.1 million on a single shopping trip to Cartier. Apparently at least some of the aid money went there. This information was leaked after she fired a Cartier employee because of his “poor attitude,” the sources said.
“The game is already over for Zelensky. Where will he go and hide? There is a 98% chance he will have an accident. He has already been thrown under the bus,” said the Mossad source.
The likelihood that the US corporation itself will be thrown under the bus is similarly high. The numbers speak for themselves.
The chart below shows that total US debt has reached a record $33.442 trillion, an increase of $275 billion in a single day.

Financial institutions are also mathematically doomed. US Treasury bonds with maturities of 10 and 30 years have fallen 46% and 53%, respectively, since March 2020.
These kinds of losses explain why only four banks: JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup’s Citibank had $4.185 trillion in uninsured deposits, or 59 percent of all uninsured deposits at all 4,645 federally insured institutions.
Citibank, which received the largest bailout in US history in 2008, now has $1.34 trillion in uninsured deposits.
Since these banks are owned by the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury Department, this could explain why their headquarters are now covered in white plastic.
La crisi finanziaria sta colpendo anche Main Street. Secondo i dati di Epiq Bankruptcy, che fornisce dati sulle dichiarazioni di fallimento negli Stati Uniti, i fallimenti del Chapter 11 sono aumentati del 61% nei primi nove mesi del 2023.
Non c'è da stupirsi che il falso Joe Biden non si comporti nemmeno più come se fosse presidente, come si può vedere dal seguente scambio:
Giornalista: "Qual è il suo consiglio al prossimo presidente della Camera dei rappresentanti?"
Joe Biden: "Questo è al di sopra del mio stipendio".
Ti dice che è un attore senza dirtelo.
Notate i suoi occhi e la linea della maschera.
Naturalmente, la bancarotta è l'ultima delle preoccupazioni delle famiglie che possiedono la società statunitense. La loro vera preoccupazione è rimanere appesi.
Ad esempio, secondo il presidente russo Vladimir Putin, Klaus Schwab Rothschild è un "terrorista globalista" che tiene in ostaggio l'umanità. Durante un discorso a Sochi, ha avvertito che i giorni di questa élite erano contati.
Negli Stati Uniti, il senatore Rand Paul dice che Anthony Fauci dovrebbe essere in prigione come traditore.
È troppo amichevole. I corpi di migliaia di bambini uccisi dal dottor Anthony Fauci uccisi in esperimenti medici illegali sono stati scoperti a Hawthorne, New York, accusando l'ex direttore del NIH di crimini contro l'umanità e crimini contro i bambini.
I dettagli possono essere visti nel video collegato qui sotto.
It’s not just Fauci.
A Russian government spokesman says the Coca-Cola company is involved in buying children from Ukraine. She also claims that black market organ harvesting has occurred on a large scale there.
All deep state minions will be publicly exposed and prosecuted. Mass murder by vaccination will be the crime that will most likely execute them. Here is a fraction of the evidence for it.
Official data released by the Government of Canada shows that 74% of triple-vaccinated Canadians now have vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS). Yes, this is AIDS caused by the vaccine.
Compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated population, the data shows that the double-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost an average of 73% of their immune system capacity.
The triple-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost an average of 74% of their immunity.
The damage is now so great that the double-vaccinated population is, on average, 3.8 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the unvaccinated population, The Exposé reports.
Also in the UK, 92% of deaths from COVID-19 in 2022 were among those triple vaccinated, government data shows.
The data is available on the ONS website
Russia is also involved. Sputnik V vaccines with a substance other than the one tested were delivered to Slovakia: “The Russian fund believes that the Slovaks had no right to test the vaccine in laboratories that are not part of the official institutions of the European Union.”
Now it turns out that the elite themselves have not taken the vaccine that they are forcing on everyone else. This has been proven in New Zealand and elsewhere.
Here you can watch WHO terrorist chief Tedros (who says he didn’t take the vaccine) congratulate the Nobel Prize winners whose mRNA technology made “safe and effective” injections against COVID possible.
He will regret those words, and the Nobel Committee will be held responsible for rewarding mass murder.
Many are already trying to shirk responsibility.
“The Biden administration is rewriting COVID history. Today, the head of OSHA claimed, ‘We didn’t ask for anyone to be fired,’ despite issuing a vaccination mandate for 84 million Americans that was overturned by the Supreme Court.”

Oh, there’s so much backtracking going on now. They are slippery eels trying to wriggle out of the trap that awaits them. WE WILL NOT FORGET IT
You can be sure that the KM will try more cruel stunts to avoid justice. One trick is sure to affect all the military-age men they smuggled into the United States and Europe.
In the video below, an Uber driver says a middle-aged male migrant told him he was a soldier whose salary was paid by the UN. He was given a credit card and ID and told to live in the United States and await further instructions.
Next, look at all the invaders found in Europe recently. They all have the same clothes and the same shoes. None of them paid for their “boat trip” to Europe. Everything is directly funded by the United Nations through the NGOs.

Questi uomini devono essere arrestati e presi in custodia prima di ricevere le loro "ulteriori istruzioni" dalle Nazioni Unite.
L'altra cosa che fa il KM è minacciare il mondo con le sue armi meteorologiche e terremoto.
Siamo stati informati che un dispositivo di neutrini ad alta energia in Antartide ha causato tre grandi terremoti il 6 e il 7 ottobre 2023.
Forse qualcuno dovrebbe ricordare al KM che le armi nucleari possono raggiungere l'Antartide.
C'è molto di cui non possiamo ancora parlare, ma tieni d'occhio gli arresti pubblici e le dimissioni di figure di alto profilo. Quando vedi persone come Bill Gates e Klaus Schwab sfilare in manette davanti alle telecamere, sai che finalmente viene fatta giustizia.
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